Monday, November 07, 2011

Smashing Rocks Together

With a feeling of excitement and anticipation I write my very first blog ever and send it out into the ether.  But first, let me introduce myself.  My name is Deanne Watson and I am a 30 something Australian born Canadian (past 9 years) living on the prairies in Downtown Winnipeg.

I love to be creative and my main forum for such is jewelry making.  Semi precious, hammered wire designs are my real love; Semi precious - because they are natural and full of texture and beauty, and hammered because it's therapeutic to hit something! As I've progressed, I've become interested in a variety of different mediums.  I enjoy using copper, bronze and silver plated artistic wire for it's flexibility and versatility.  Hence the name "Rock Wrapper" was a natural choice for my blog.  It's slightly more eloquent than what my husband Rob calls it - "smashing rocks together", which made me laugh but is not the most professional term for what I do.

Anyway, I'm rambling.  Back to me:  I have made jewelry now for almost 2 years and my process is ever evolving which keeps things interesting for me and for my customers.  Creating new designs is a pleasure that I look forward to daily but also what keeps me awake at night when a new design pops into my head. Here's a pair of earrings I created this week: 

You can check out all my finished designs @

I am the mom of two girls (ages 6 & 9) which is of course, a job in itself but in my estimation the most fulfilling one. My daughters are my biggest advocates, always praising me and cheering me on.  They both want to be jewelry makers when they grow up and that is the best compliment I could ever ask for.  I love to cook and experiment with recipes, read books, (Agatha Christie, Jane Austen and my new favorite Kate Morton) and dance like a goofball (the running man is my particular favorite). I am a part time building superintendent - glamorous I know, but when I'm not rocking the vacuum cleaner and cleaning up after my family (and cat Tim Tam), I'm scratching the itch that is jewelry making.

Now that the season has changed from fall to winter and temperatures are hovering around zero degrees (to me, last night's very first snow fall officially means winter even though it isn't until December) I will be spending more time indoors (below 20 degrees is too cold for me -  I'm a big wuss) which means that I now have no choice but to hunker down and write some blogs.  I've been wanting to do a blog for some time and so I'm feeling pretty chuffed and pleased with myself right now!

I want to share my jewelry making processes (not really sure what they are yet); what drives and inspires me and of course the frustrations, bumps and cuts that go along with it, while trying to be a working mom, wife and general dogsbody.

Jump in the side car and we'll take a bumpy trip through the maze that is my life, but remember - bring the band aids.

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